This has been one of the most personal fabric collections I have ever designed. It has come at a time where my own personal identity has shifted as I stepped into motherhood. That journey has led me towards a desire for fabrics that are hardwearing and that will remain beautiful for years to come.

We designed this collection to provide an incredible background not only for our other patterns, but quite honestly for the messiness of life. After a year into motherhood I realized that my white couches were stained, everything I owned had an avocado or raspberry blotch and it made me crave having more durable fabrics in my home–trust me, these fabrics can take it. Because they are Indoor-Outdoor fabrics, they are ready to be used, lived in and loved.

These two stripes we designed were inspired by a trip to by grandma-in-law’s home. She has impeccable taste and the stripes she designed with in the 80s still look as fresh as ever. We then looked to some wonderful artists, researching and learning about the many different ways a simple motif can be reinterpreted. I love putting all of these stories into fabrics--both the personal and inspirational--they are a reflection of the care and thought we put into the fabrics each step along their creation. We can't wait to see the magic that you dream up with these fabrics!
xx Caroline